Friday, March 5, 2010


In life we always come across two pathways... The first path is the ''moral'' one & the other is ''immoral''.... However cliched this may sound, making a choice every time is altogether a unique experience...

The immoral path is easy to choose, satisfies our short term desires, but doesn't guarantee long term success and happiness. On the other hand the moral path is difficult to walk on, would seem to bring pains but is the ultimate one.

Someone had once told me whenever we do something wrong or choose the insincere way, God always gives us an option.... It is so true. He slowly whispers that you are doing ''wrong''... Our heart asks us again & again 'Am I doing the right thing?' But we just ignore the call of our conscience for short term pleasures, we allow ourselves to be surrendered to the moment's temptation and forget about everything and everybody else. But our inner voice, our intuition would keep pinching us and warning us about the unseen pitfalls that this path would bring. We wouldn't really have the peace of mind to have a sound sleep.

On the other hand if we gather the courage to choose a difficult but right path, we might face many obstacles but at the same time God gives us the ability to face everything. We would continuously feel God's presence and approval. The peace of mind will keep a smile on our face even in the toughest situation. The smile on our face would actually be the smile of our conscience. We would love ourselves and therefore, love the people around us too.
Because to give love to anybody else we first need to love ourselves to the fullest.

We lie about different things to 'n' number of people in our lives but the day we lie to ourselves that is the end of God's existence in our souls.
The beauty of a person lies in this clear conscience... So the next time when any unknown & unseen person asks you how do you look or you judge yourself don't say anything on the basis of what you see in the mirror... judge yourself on the basis of the mirror of your soul; ask yourself 'Have I always taken the right path?' , 'Is my mind at peace?' , 'Do i actually get a sound sleep?'
I'm asking these questions to myself. I guess my looks are AVERAGE! (Hope the answer would only improve as time passes by)