Wednesday, September 22, 2010


sometimes its just a smile that works, sometimes its a look... those eyes say alot....
sometimes its the innocence... sometimes a beautiful conversation... sometimes just a wink...

sometimes a cup of tea together... sometimes a walk...

sometimes we seek support sometimes we give....
sometimes the silence speaks sometimes we do...sometimes the trust is immense & deep... sometimes the emotions make us weak... hours seem like seconds that go by in a blink...

a small tiff.... a small rift... a small passing moment... brings me near.. to all my dear lovely lovely friends
the breeze seems fresh... a soothing hush... my face's blush... brings happiness to my heart..

the moments spent will never come back... but the memories are here to stay...
the fact that i had a lovely day... comes to my mind and stays... gone are the times when difficulties chased me... this smile is here to stay...

all these moments and many more makes me a human being.... strange are humans and human relations.... but its a pleasure to struggle & understand :)


  1. "this smile is here to stay..."
    just loved this line...I wish and pray that this state of mind of urs continues to be the same for long....forever!!!
